Allianz Trade: 'We successfully rolled out the onboarding app across Northern-Europe'
Allianz Trade Northern-Europe, with over 1,700 employees spread across 15+ countries and still expanding, wanted to create a harmonized onboarding strategy. The goal was to make the transition into the organization easier for every new employee and ensure the same look and feel everywhere. So, what does their onboarding app look like now?

What was Allianz Trade’s onboarding challenge?
As world leader, Allianz Trade (previously known as Euler Hermes) moves the financial industry forward by providing a new experience of credit insurance. They define new standards and bring confidence in tomorrow with their insurance innovations.
With more than 1,700 employees in 15+ countries and still growing, Allianz Trade Northern-Europe started developing a harmonized onboarding strategy across their dispersed regions. Their goal was to guide every new employee with an easier transition into the organisation and to have the same look and feel everywhere, regardless of any local differences or mandatory rules.
To fit their new onboarding strategy, Allianz Trade Northern-Europe was looking for one consistent and efficient approach for onboarding through one platform as Northern-Europe has the challenge of onboarding yearly +/-300 new employees. After an extensive research trajectory and comparing various options, they chose to work with Appical.
What does the onboarding program of Allianz Trade look like now?
Regional Head of Reward & Performance – Northern Europe at Allianz Trade took on the job of Project Manager Onboarding. He started ‘small’ with creating an onboarding roadmap for the two countries within the Northern European region. Besides providing company-wide information, he collaborated with all local HR departments across Northern Europe to gather relevant local information for new hires. Allianz Trade’s onboarding process is structured around three phases:
- Preboarding
- The first day, first week & month
- The first three months
Reactions of new hires
“I was really surprised when I found out that there is such an application for New Joiners. The information was very useful, even though by the time of the “first day” I tried to learn as much as possible about the organization.” – Ciprian
“This app is simply fantastic. I think it saves a lot of time and I am glad that I had the pleasure to find useful information thanks to this tool.” – Antonia
“It helped me get to know the new world I was going to work in and connect me easily with the environment, even before I started.” – Otilia
How will Allianz Trade’s onboarding journey continue?
The app is now live in all Northern European countries, but their innovative way of onboarding doesn’t stop there. They will continue to expand the app in various ways.
The platform will be rolled out in Allianz Trade and beyond to its parent organization Allianz. The platform will also be expanded for internal mobility purposes (with a reboarding module) and for leaving personnel (with an offboarding module) and updated with ongoing releases of new features and content.
The success of the onboarding app led to new innovative digital HR projects and initiatives, staying true to Allianz Trade Northern-Europe’s innovative, digital, and agile culture.
Facts that count
Out of 135 new hires that used the app, the onboarding platform scored…
- 9.3 on how useful the app was
- 8.7 on how welcome they felt at Allianz Trade
- 9.1 on rating Allianz Trade as a place to work
Advantages of the onboarding app
- It enables Allianz Trade Northern-Europe becoming the ‘employer of choice’
- Onboarding is part of the Allianz Trade Employee Value Proposition
- Builds trust and alignment due to a structured onboarding roadmap
- A targeted approach for multi-generational talents
- A fun way of onboarding, increasing eagerness and excitement
- Increased employee experience and maintaining employee centricity
- Digital onboarding supports ‘learning anywhere & anytime’ approach

What employees say about Appical


First day, first week & first month