
Vic's Learnings: Onboarding is always about people

Victor Romijn
September 28, 2023
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Last week, I attended a Masters session where I had discussions with several individuals in the field of onboarding. With diverse backgrounds (ranging from self-employed professionals to employees of ministries to refugees with a status), it became an interesting conversation.

One of the most important takeaways from our discussions was that onboarding is always about people. I work extensively with large organizations where hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of individuals join annually. However, let's not forget that each one of them is an individual who has gone through the application process and has expectations for their new job.

Customization where possible

Since people are always involved, catering to the individual's needs is one of the key factors for the success of a new employee. No matter how impressive, clear, and comprehensive your app may be, if your manager is difficult or your team does not welcome you as a new colleague, it will not lead to success.

This also highlights that offering customization, where possible, is the best approach. Consider the background, expectations, knowledge level, experience, and all other personal factors to provide a good onboarding experience for your new employees.

I understand that customization may be easier in smaller organizations compared to larger ones. However, once you have convinced the immediate supervisors that they are crucial for the success of their new employees, you can genuinely offer customization, even on a large scale.

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