Vic's learnings: Appical Customer Day 2023
The connection between online and offline onboarding
As a central theme for this day we chose the connection between online and offline onboarding. At a beautiful, centrally located location in Utrecht we met 5 clients from different industries. Our consultant Pien inspired the clients with examples from practice.
And I told something about going undercover at one of my clients. I also gave an interactive workshop where the clients themselves figured out what offline elements their onboarding has, and what could be added.
Talk to like-minded people and learn from each other
It was great to see clients reaching out to each other. Where one client struggled with inviting colleagues to the first day of work because of GDPR, another client told how exactly they solved this issue. They also elaborated on different choices they made when setting up the app. From the moments of unlocking new content to using different audiences.
We ended the day with short 1-on-1s with our colleagues of CSM and their clients. And of course we had a well-deserved drink. The most important thing I personally got out of the day: it adds tremendous value to talk about the profession with like-minded people. In a safe environment, without seeing each other as competitors. In that way it is very nice to see other solutions. Solutions you might not have thought of yourself.
And so all customers went home with renewed energy.
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